
A New Decade

2010 is shaping up to be a huge year for me.
Whether in regards to relationships, music, theatre, and age (turning 20!).

I plan to make the most of it. Though, I have to say, I love my life right now and I have no idea where it's going, but that's the fun of it.

Troilus and Cressida opens in a week. I'm a little nervous to be reviewed. I've never been reviewed before, but I'm sure we will all do fantastically! We have a wonderful group of people.


Sorting out February

For some strange and unapparent reason, I feel like doing absolutely nothing. It is like for the next two and a half weeks I have before me a huge journey, and it starts with a mountain. You see, my audition for Music School is in two and a half weeks. I have so far to go before I am ready to confidently audition. I am also in the middle of exams--my last being in two and a half weeks. I have to be able to speak in two tenses of speech I have not learned before by Tuesday night. Oh, and I forgot to add, my recent escape has been the television. For some reason, every time I think about everything that I have to do, I am strong tempted by my recent TV loves such as Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Fringe and LOST. All of which I am currently following. 

I even feel guilty writing this as I type, for I could be doing so many productive things: practicing, studying, working on assignments, reading my latest novel for English class, practicing the choreo for the upcoming musical Rocky Horror, in which I am performing--even sleeping. It's been a rare commodity lately, and that comes as no surprise to a university student in his freshman year. It is amazing how hard it is to get to sleep at a decent hour. Even if I try I find myself failing miserably. I am just glad that I worked my schedule at university into a two-day a week affair. It's not bad, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9-5 (with a 2 hour lunch I might add) and the rest of the week off. Having Mondays off is so wonderful I don't think I'll ever adjust to hating Mondays again. I wonder, how in all of this spare time, do I not seem to have enough? Outside of university, I work (sometimes 24 hours a week), I practice (not nearly as much as I should), and I rehearse (probably 6 hours a week). Oh yeah, and I watch TV for...nearly 6 or 7 hours at least as well. 

I also failed to mention the biggest thing that is going to happen in two and a half weeks. My girlfriend returns from her 7 month program. She's been with Canada World Youth, in Ukraine first, and now BC. She'll return early next month, just after my last exams, and probably right on time with my audition. I could spend 4 times as much time writing about this than my current tirade in its entirety, probably more, however, all I can say is that time cannot go fast enough. I am so excited for the day I can finally see her again that I would run and run and run and keep running until the time sped up and March 5th could come.

This week will be different. Tomorrow I have the entire day off on account of the fact that I thought I had a doctor's appointment so I asked to have tomorrow off. Unfortunately (or fortunately, however you look at it), the doctor changed it to next week, so I have tomorrow all to myself. Let's see me get up early. Practice piano, finish my paper, practice piano, study French, practice piano, watch The Big Bang Theory, practice piano, go to bed. Yes, that is exactly what I'll do tomorrow.

Hold me to it, okay?